The Pear'fect Pantry, Wembley | Luce's Eternal Sunshine: The Pear'fect Pantry, Wembley

12 December 2014

The Pear'fect Pantry, Wembley

Living in this new area, I’ve been keen to find the local haunts and after a little digging, I discovered that The Pear'fect Pantry was in fact a cafe, and according to Urbanspoon, a popular one at that. So, I decided to go for a stroll and meet Caitlin, Ebony, Amy and her gorgeous kidlets for a midweek brunch.

Not easily visible from the road, the little cafĂ© is tucked behind a Laundromat on Herdsman Parade in Wembley - I would have driven right past if I hadn’t walked. There is signage though, so you just need to park up the road and walk your way down past the Laundromat. There, you can find a nice little shady spot to sit or head on inside to check out the goods. The decor is homely and kitsch, with quotes everywhere and shelves of cookbooks. I also glimpsed a mini health foods section, where you can buy your coconut oil and almond milk. They also have plenty of toys for the kids, which ended up being extremely helpful to keep the youngsters preoccupied from stealing our food. 
 They have an extensive menu, with veggie options for the meat free among us and heaps of vegan, gluten free and raw goodies at the counter. They have separate menus for weekdays and weekends, with waffles always being a good weekend option.
Amy is always a sucker for pretty displays so she chose one of the vegan cupcakes to demolish. I tasted the icing, which was seriously delicious.
After a little confusion about my iced latte (which involved me telling them that indeed, I did want more than ice and milk in my cup), we arranged ourselves comfortably at an outside table.
It didn't take long for our meals to arrive and I devoured mine - poached eggs and avocado on toast with almond dukkah, beetroot relish and marinated feta. Yum!
We basked in the sun, then hid from it because it was a bit burny, drank our iced lattes, and decided that Steve and I needed to make this our local.

It was quiet when we went but apparently it's busy, busy on the weekends so go at your own peril! Do go though, it's delicious. 

xx Luce

Pearfect Pantry on Urbanspoon


  1. Take me here next time we're over. Sounds fabulous! :-D

    1. I will! I would have taken you when you were here but they were closed for about three weeks over the break.
