2015Luce's Eternal Sunshine: 2015

25 September 2015

Sharing the love: Jimmy Fallon does 'Bitch Better Have My Money'

I've always been a sucker for the classic rework of a rap/RNB song into a slow ballad or classical number. I find it hysterical to sing a swear word heavy Eminem song in the style of Coldplay, partly because I have a terrible voice but mostly because it sounds so wrong that it's right. When I saw this awesome barbershop quartet version of Rihanna's song 'Bitch Better Have My Money' by none other than my man Jimmy Fallon, I was overjoyed.

I have the biggest crush on Jimmy - BIGGEST. I constantly stalk his Youtube channel for new uploads and I am never disappointed with his personal, dorky interview style and ridiculous celebrity games. I have also loved Joseph Gordon-Levitt ever since his little forlorn face appeared in Ten Things I Hate about You, and my love was cemented when I watched him in the emotional and hilarious 50/50, so this video is what my dreams are made of (seriously).

Now that I've talked it up crazy amounts, here it is. Enjoy!

18 July 2015

First month post ACL surgery

I feel like I've progressed so little yet so much since I had my knee reconstruction and was fitted with a brand new ACL one month ago. Since I'm going back to work on Monday, it seems like the perfect time to list what I've learnt and how one might expect to progress after having their bones drilled into, a tendon cut from their hammy and inserted into their knee, held together with small screws and the hopes of a girl dreaming to play netball again (dramatic, I know).

9 June 2015

Highlight Reel

I've been trying to squeeze in a lot of socialisation before surgery and sloth rehab time begins so life has been a little crazy lately. Here are some photos that capture a few of my favourite moments from the last couple of weeks. 

Long weekend in Busselton 
Beer pong, beanies, slizzard bitches and boulderdash. 

15 May 2015

A birthday, an injury and a relay

It has been just over a week since my birthday and what a topsy turvy week it has been! I woke up on the morning of my 24th with an injured knee and some beautiful birthday messages rolling in. In the days since, I have had high moments, none involving painkillers, I promise, and some low ones, specifically when I was told I had ruptured my ACL (Anterior Cruciate Ligament) and would need a knee reconstruction. 

My birthday was still great as I spent most of the day lying on the couch with an ice pack on my knee and lovely friends bringing me coffee, food, beautiful cards and hard drives filled with hilarious shows (watch The IT Crowd - don't ask questions, just do it). 
Snapchat from Teleisha and one of her boiz!

1 May 2015

How to cope with anxiety

The twist and turns of life are mostly breathtaking and sometimes cruel. You may think you are on the road to having it all figured out when out of nowhere, you're blindsided by something you thought was in your control.

This year, my resolution was to be more mindful - to live in the moment and take each day anew. I started out okay but the last few months have proven to be the most challenging of my life and I have been feeling more anxious than ever. Anxiety is basically the opposite of mindfulness and rears it's ugly head in the form of constant over thinking, stressing and worrying over the daily grind to every possible future outcome. It's exhausting, but at the same time it's manageable. In the hope that this can be a comfort to other people going through similar problems, or even just having a bad day, I've listed a few things below that help me remain mindful and reduce my anxiety.

7 April 2015

Just what the doctor ordered

I had the most relaxing Easter long weekend. I switched off my phone, which was damn hard in itself, and headed up to my parents place in Carnamah, a teeny tiny town three and a half hours out of Perth. My alleged 'smart' phone doesn't have service there so I used the time to regroup and just be with some of the craziest, best people I know.

19 March 2015


I seem to find myself in them quite often when I would prefer to be eating them, to be honest. I am a sufferer of the diseases known as Premature Familiarity and Foot in Mouth, as well as Overt Friendliness Syndrome. Today, I am going to share this with you in the hope that you can find a cure that doesn't involve me snarling at everyone I meet or shutting up. 

27 February 2015

Friday Fancies #2

I was sick last weekend so I spent the majority of my time in between naps watching TV, reading blog posts and feeling sorry for myself. Here's a few things that took my fancy and kept me going. 

Before the flu struck me down, we went to The Standard for dinner. You should definitely try the pork croquettes, chicken grill and lamb belly for some seriously scrumptious food. The sweet and sour eggplant was probably the favourite though. 

18 February 2015

Love Notes

Every so often I feel a rush of gratitude wash over me. It's a feeling that comes with the knowledge that the people around me and the love I am surrounded with is unique. Not everyone is lucky enough to spend time with such beautiful people once a year, let alone on a daily basis. I am damn lucky. #blessed #thankful #littleprayerhands and all that jazz.
BUT in saying that it’s so ridiculously easy to forget this on the bad days. The days everyone has, unless you’re a robot of some kind and if you are, perhaps get yourself checked out because it’s not normal to be reading blogs as a bot. Anyway, you know the ones I’m talking about, right? When you feel flat and all you want to do is go home, crash on the couch and not speak to a single soul (I really will feel silly if it’s just me). On occasion there’s a reason for these stormy days and on those more worrisome days, there’s not.

6 February 2015

If you try to walk in my shoes, you'll end up in a bookstore

I have an obsession with books. Enthralling content, interesting titles, pretty covers - the pull is undeniable. The problem is, I already have books scattered around the house and a whole shelf full of books begging to be read, yet I continue to buy more. It must be the ridiculous combination of a good read and the thrill of a bargain that entices me.

23 January 2015

The Hummus Club, Perth: Interview

So you were asking about the most delicious falafels going around? Oh, yes I do know where you can find them - The Hummus Club!

12 January 2015

I'm baaaack!

Hi, my name is Lucy and it has been a month since my last post...

Yes, I have been on hiatus - and I use that word lightly because obviously I've just been a slack blogger/couldn't work out how to use my phone to post/had no wifi at home STILL/was out of range. But hey, I've been having a great time on my break so don't hate me please (Brooke, Mazz, Anh!) because I am back for another year of more disciplined blogging, I promise.

Here are my top five highlights from the break.