Winterland Adventures | Luce's Eternal Sunshine: Winterland Adventures

24 July 2014

Winterland Adventures

Perth has been producing the goods lately so the moment an excited Brooke told me about the Winterland Ice Skating in the City, we knew we had to check it out. After easily roping a few friends in, we rocked up to the Perth Cultural Centre, which had been transferred into a dreamy winter wonderland. Along with a teeny outdoor ice skating rink, there was a rinkside bar serving snacks and mulled wine as well as a crackling fire setting the mood on the big screen. 
After a small setback, which involved myself and a lack of socks, we were soon gliding across the the outdoor rink like the graceful ladies that we are. 

Obviously by gliding, I mean stumbling awkwardly whilst belting out the lyrics of the noughties tunes that were blasting and secretly hoping we weren't one of the many people falling down all around us.
We swiftly gathered our bearings on the icy surface and started showing off a little. 
I was too busy watching Bri, the star ice skater amongst us, in the hope that she would perform a Russian split jump that I missed the moment Hanbel hit the ice hard as our one and only stacker for the night.

We tried not to laugh, but it was kind of hilarious.

Needless to say, after her close encounter and with a bruised bum, Han was ready for a comfy seat and a beverage, as were we.
It was such a fun night skating under the stars and although the rink was small and the skills were limited, it was exciting to see what Perth has to offer.
xx Luce

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