The last couple of months have been odd for me – I finished uni and began the dreaded search for employment. I managed to land back into the world of law, returning to my legal secretary position to tie me over until I found a career-starting job. Although it’s been great being with all my old colleagues and I've enjoyed having time away from study, I think I have become comfortable just getting by, that I lost momentum and motivation.
Two weekends ago, I went to Melbourne for a hen’s weekend away for a lovely friend of mine. it was a long weekend of food, cocktails, massages and shopping and it was amazing. Spending time with friends and changing my scenery really revitalised me (or was that the freeeeeezing Melbourne air?!) and made me realise the goals that I had allowed to fall by the wayside.
I am now ready to get back on track because I know when I am working towards something, whether that be a fitness goal or long term career shiz, I am at my happiest.
So, here’s to getting out of my comfort zone: I’m going to run my ass off (literally!), revamp my CV and start scheduling those blog posts like people will die without my writing. I mean, you never know!
xx Luce
YEAHHH GURL YOU BACK xoxo gossip girl